Friday, August 15, 2008

Love Fridays

Taxes done - check!

Washing done, folded and up to date (for about ohh I dunno, half an hour!)- check!

Dinner cooked - check! (Yummy Thai Green Curry on brown rice!)

Uggies on - check!

Afternoon sleep had - check!

Five good reasons why I lurve Fridays!

Perhaps the only thing missing is a good hunk of Curlypops' delicious looking perfectly iced cake!

Do join Big Cat in this fantastic weekend welcoming meme!

Enjoy your weekend!


CurlyPops said...

I wish I was at your house for some of that Thai Green Curry...delish!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I did my taxes this week. It's great to have them out of the way.

Sounds like a lovely Friday at your place. Good for you.

Marita said...

Sounds like you've had a big week, hope the return to work goes well. You've reminded me I need to get onto that pesky tax return. Have a great weekend!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I have an award for you over on my blog. Stop by and pick it up when you get a chance.