Friday, August 29, 2008

Love Fridays...

Whilst I have been doing my darndest to enjoy the moment a little bit more lately this week has got me beat. I am so glad Friday is here!

Not one but two trips to the emergency room (one for Little B (he's ok now), one with a friend (she is doing better too)), a good cleansing dose of gastro for me, a missed Thornbury Sew Along and some other bits and pieces have tested sorely tested the members of the B Family this week!

But today the fog has both literally and figuratively lifted, the sun is shining and the days ahead are full of sunshiney springy promise! Hurrah!

Finally we have the realistic prospect of spending some time in our much neglected garden and at the park. Not to mention the chance to start scouring our local area for some gems - it's hard rubbish collection time!! Yippee!! Hopefully I will score some loot like the Motherload Pottymouthmamma stumbled across during the week!

For those reasons I love Fridays! Do join Big Cat in sharing with us why you Love Fridays!


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

My last comment just deleted itself I think. Hmmm.

Anyway, I was saying I like the design overhaul that you've given your blog.

Change is definitely in the air and Spring on its way. Its all good.

CurlyPops said...

Thanks goodness things are on the mend...we missed you last Saturday.
If hard rubbish is in you area then hopefully it might be on it's way to my area..yippee!

Liesl said...

Oh no ... what a week. You deserve a very nice Friday and a relaxing weekend after all that!

Good luck with the hard garbage. I hope you find lots of xylophones (and no enema kits).